Archives Episode

Community Support for Addiction

How can we show compassion for those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction at the same time we ensure safety and insist on members keeping agreements of the community? An in depth discussion with Philip Be’er, community mediation consultant and author…

A Community Response to Sexual Abuse

In this podcast we’ll be discussing how we can prevent, effectively disclose, and/or confront sexual abuse within residential intentional communities with Philip Be’er, community mediation consultant and author of LEARNING TO LOVE: Your Guide to PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT The Caring Community…

Creating a Safe Space for Diversity

How can we create a welcoming environment for racial and ethnic minorities within residential intentional communities? Is it okay and sometimes helpful to have all-minority ICs? With consultants Edward Troy and Elliott Cisneros. The Caring Community Voices podcast presented here is for general…

Private Membership Associations

Lowell Perry and Logan Gray answer questions about PMAs, Private Membership Associations. The Caring Community Voices podcast presented here is for general informational purposes and the views and opinions of guests and participants are solely their own and are not…